Phil & Freya Mulvey explain how the small water cycle affects local rainfall and global heating

October 17, 2023 1:00 PM

ABC's Statewide Drive with Prue Bentley

Philip and Freya Mulvey, authors of "Groundbreaking: Soil Security and Climate Change," joined Prue Bentley on ABC's Statewide Drive Victoria discussing the urgency of soil restoration and the significant role soil plays in climate change mitigation.

Discussion points:

  • The importance of using organic matter to repair and regenerate land.
  • The critical role of soil in mitigating climate change. By increasing organic matter in the soil, it can reduce greenhouse gases, improve resilience, and lower farming costs.
  • The "bunny fence experiment" conducted in Western Australia, which demonstrated how land use affects local and regional climate. It illustrated the link between the state of the land and its impact on heat absorption and cloud cover.
  • The concept of the "small water cycle", emphasising how locally evaporated water contributes to regional rainfall. The importance of this cycle for effective land management and climate resilience was discussed.
  • Increasing organic matter in soil improves water infiltration, relative humidity, and water use efficiency. This results in better crop yields, increased drought resilience, and faster recovery after heavy rainfall.
  • The need for policy changes to address soil degradation and climate change.

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